Ramor Watersports Club Radio Sailing Group meet every Sunday 10.30 am.
We currently race the Dragon Force 65 class of Radio Yachts however some members also have, Dragon Flite 95, International One Metre, “A” Class and Marblehead yachts.

DF65 Yachts are available from RC Yachts in England.
Also available in European countries and internationally
After market sails, accessories and sticker sets to customize your boat are available from Soch Sails in Wales.
At Ramor Watersports club the Radio Sailing Group have spare boats that we can lend out for interested People to have a go.
We meet up every Sunday morning at 10.30 am. at the Lakeside Manor Hotel in Virginia Co.Cavan from 10:30hrs.
Contact; Keith Bell on 087 1804904
Terry O’Shea on 086 0888395